Spine Adjustment

Relief from Chronic Back Pain: A Guide to Spine Adjustment

Living with crippling back pain is a reality for many people who have experienced car accidents, sports injuries, or unending stress. The good news is that a trusted local chiropractor near you at Grove Chiropractic and Sports Injury P.A. in Dodge City can help. Learn how to get lasting relief from persistent back pain in the guide below.


What is a Spine Adjustment and How Does It Work?

Spine adjustment, or spinal manipulation, is a specialized technique used by well-trained chiropractors as a holistic back pain treatment. A licensed chiropractor may recommend a spine adjustment, which involves manual spinal manipulation techniques to help restore alignment and mobility for people seeking alternative methods of back pain relief.

Why People Need Spine Adjustments

Chiropractors often recommend spine adjustments for people suffering from debilitating issues associated with chronic back pain and spinal misalignments. The goal of spinal adjustments is to realign the spine, decompress nerves, and restore mobility in people with limited or restricted movement.

3 Holistic Benefits of Spine Adjustment

  • Benefit #1 - Restoring Alignment:  Misalignments or subluxations in the spine can put undue pressure on nearby nerves. This can lead to stabbing, sharp, or dull pain in the back, resulting in overall dysfunction and lasting discomfort.
  • Benefit #2 - Reducing Inflammation:  Targeted spinal adjustment not only helps to relieve pain and restore mobility but also reduces the underlying inflammation, which can be a factor in many back pain-related conditions. Spinal adjustments help the body release its natural anti-inflammatory response, resulting in back pain relief and an overall improved sense of well-being.
  • Benefit #3 - Releasing Trapped and Compressed Nerves: Precise spinal adjustments can help release compressed nerves, reducing the negative effects of movement dysfunction, lack of mobility, and chronic pain in back pain sufferers.

Get Effective Back Pain Relief with a Chiropractor Near You

Finding lasting relief from chronic back pain, neck pain, and other chronic ailments is as easy as enlisting the support of a trusted and knowledgeable professional. Our team of experts at Grove Chiropractic and Sports Injury P.A. can provide hands-on support when you visit one of our local offices in Great Bend or Dodge City, KS. Contact a knowledgeable and friendly member of our team to schedule an appointment with a back pain specialist near you today.

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